COVID Screening Tent Rental Malaysia

A screening tent is a pop-up portable canopy setup to screen suspected cases of COVID-19 in Malaysia. During this coronavirus pandemic, it serves as a temporary shelter canopy or shaded tentage for medical or authorized personnel to carry out necessary medical procedures to identify individuals that are possibly infected by coronavirus all around Malaysia.
Due to the Covid-19 outbreak, the Ministry of Health (MOH) are using a special screening tent like this to check highly suspected individuals or so-called persons under investigation (PUI) at Hospital Serdang, Selangor and also major hospitals in Kedah. This serves as a precautionary/preventive step to control the spread of novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV).
What is a screening tent
- A portable tent set-up at necessary places, screen and test potential, high risk individual/candidates with symptoms that meet the criteria such as fever, interview travel history (whether visited affected country) or had close contact with any confirmed covid19 infected patient.
What is a screening tent set-up for, what can it do (purposes)
- To screen suspected patients before they enter a hospital or screen visitors before they enter a premises, ask screening questions and conduct tests for potential cases following guidelines for risk assessment.
What is the benefit of a screening tent
- Avoid contamination or transmission to others
- Immediate medical support can be carry out once detected any infected visitor/patient
- Effective in controlling the spread of disease or virus
What is a screening tent setup of (Basic Specification)
- Normally a pyramid tent or arabian canopy
- Available tent size: 10ft x 10ft, 10ft x 20ft, 16ft x 20ft, 20ft x 20ft
- Equipped with side walls, fan and lighting
Why you might need a screening tent now
- To serve as a proactive measure to isolate/prevent high risk individuals from entering the premises, avoid contamination.
Who might need a screening tent
- Hospitals (Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Unit), health care center, nursing home, factory, office tower, shopping malls, condominium or any indoor venues.
Where is a screening tent normally being set-up
- Outside the hospital’s emergency department (ED)
- Outdoor entrances of premises
What You Might Need Too
- Available add-on ventilation systems: air cooler, industrial fan and portable air conditioner
- Crowd control barrier: safety cone, safety line, barricade or queue pole.
- On-site vaccination & drive-thru vaccination tentage